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临醉之舟 A boat almost waking

临醉之舟 A boat almost waking

07'00'' · 2019年 · 4k彩色单屏录象 · 扎西夏季牧场返程的路,异常颠簸。我感觉胃里的所有的东西都往外翻。脑子在激烈的摇晃中好像离开身体,就像大海里的波涛一样荡荡巍巍,不能思考。同车的魏珊在几天前因为骑了无鞍马把屁股磨破,在车中苦笑不已。 一小时后,我慢慢想起在海上坐船的经验,开始慢慢的放松自己,随着车子颠簸的节奏摆动。这种随波逐流的彻底放松,让我有酒后飘飘荡荡不知所终的新体验,不但不难受,反而忍不住要随着车子的跳跃吟唱点什么。 忽然觉得不能忍受的颠簸,跟酒后的漂浮感,真是一种难以平衡的绝妙临界点。 难道就不可以做一个作品吗,有什么样的动物可以跟我一样,能够忍受颠簸,又不需要酒精就能自得其乐呢。我理所当然的想到了一只小牛,随即一个中国古画《蕉下客》的构图就形成了。 在扎西的帮助下,然后一颗摇摇晃晃的,飘飘荡荡的树,和一只36天的小奶牛出现在这个镜头里。然后,我放慢了速度,让草原上激烈的颠簸化解成海上航行的飘荡。 07'00'' · 2019年 · 4K colour video · The way back to Zha Xi pasture in summer is extremely bumpy. I feel everything in my stomach turning out. The brain seems to leave the body in the fierce shaking, just like the waves in the sea. It is not able to think. Wei Shan of the same car grinned bitterly in the car a few days ago because he had worn his buttocks on a saddle free horse. An hour later, I slowly remembered the experience of taking a boat on the sea, and began to relax myself slowly, swinging with the rhythm of the car bumping. This kind of thorough relaxation with the current makes me have a new experience of wandering around after drinking. It's not uncomfortable, but I can't help singing something along with the car's jump. Suddenly I feel that the unbearable turbulence and the floating feeling after drinking are really a wonderful critical point that is difficult to balance. Can't you make a work? What kind of animals can bear the bumps like me, and enjoy themselves without alcohol. I took it for granted that I thought of a calf, and then the composition of an ancient Chinese painting "banana leaves the guest" was formed. With Zha Xi's help, a wobbly, floating tree and a 36 day old cow appear in this scene. Then, I slowed down to let the fierce turbulence on the grassland dissolve into the sea voyage.
江清月 Watery moon

江清月 Watery moon

07'50'' · 2019年 · 4k彩色单屏录像 · 在高原上,几乎所有的人都念经,从小学着念,成年后有时间就念,年纪大了更是天天念夜夜念,走不完的路念不完的经。这样还不够,还借风、火、土、水、山、石、树、木帮他们念经。于是就有了纸风马、风马旗、玛尼堆,就有了喂桑和水印佛经,草原上的一切都会念经。 每次看到随风飘舞飘飘荡荡的纸风马,总叹息它的美妙飘逸,总觉得应该做点什么。 我13到14年的画中,经常可以看见很多书从海面上飘向空中。我不是一个念经的人,但是我喜欢读书,那时的我也许希望借助风来帮我读书。一个充满雾气的早晨,我从帐篷里出来,远远的看见在草原晨雾中读书的魏珊,她读书的样子,就好像纸风马一样,片片的黄叶了向空中飞去。想起魏珊毕业时,我问他的工作去向他跟我说,我只想读书,尽可能多时间的读书。在996时代,只想着读书真是一件奇怪的事,但是,魏珊做起来好像一点都不难,而且,总是笑笑的,淡淡的就读完很多书。 这件作品里面的纸,就是书,风依然是风,但是马,应该就是天马行空的马,就是扎西和他无忧无虑的摩托车。 附:苏轼《前赤壁赋》 苏子曰:“客亦知夫水与月乎?逝者如斯,而未尝往也;盈虚者如彼,而卒莫消长也。盖将自其变者而观之,则天地曾不能以一瞬;自其不变者而观之,则物与我皆无尽也,而又何羡乎!且夫天地之间,物各有主,苟非吾之所有,虽一毫而莫取。惟江上之清风,与山间之明月,耳得之而为声,目遇之而成色,取之无禁,用之不竭。是造物者之无尽藏也,而吾与子之所共适。”
纸风马 Traveling sutra

纸风马 Traveling sutra

05'28'' · 2020 · 4k彩色单频录像 在高原上,几乎所有的人都念经,从小学着念,成年后有时间就念,年纪大了更是天天念夜夜念,走不完的路念不完的经。这样还不够,还借风、火、土、水、山、石、树、木帮他们念经。于是就有了纸风马、风马旗、玛尼堆,就有了喂桑和水印佛经,草原上的一切都会念经。 每次看到随风飘舞飘飘荡荡的纸风马,总叹息它的美妙飘逸,总觉得应该做点什么。 我13到14年的画中,经常可以看见很多书从海面上飘向空中。我不是一个念经的人,但是我喜欢读书,那时的我也许希望借助风来帮我读书。一个充满雾气的早晨,我从帐篷里出来,远远的看见在草原晨雾中读书的魏珊,她读书的样子,就好像纸风马一样,片片的黄叶了向空中飞去。想起魏珊毕业时,我问他的工作去向他跟我说,我只想读书,尽可能多时间的读书。在996时代,只想着读书真是一件奇怪的事,但是,魏珊做起来好像一点都不难,而且,总是笑笑的,淡淡的就读完很多书。 这件作品里面的纸,就是书,风依然是风,但是马,应该就是天马行空的马,就是扎西和他无忧无虑的摩托车。 附:苏轼《前赤壁赋》 苏子曰:“客亦知夫水与月乎?逝者如斯,而未尝往也;盈虚者如彼,而卒莫消长也。盖将自其变者而观之,则天地曾不能以一瞬;自其不变者而观之,则物与我皆无尽也,而又何羡乎!且夫天地之间,物各有主,苟非吾之所有,虽一毫而莫取。惟江上之清风,与山间之明月,耳得之而为声,目遇之而成色,取之无禁,用之不竭。是造物者之无尽藏也,而吾与子之所共适。”
入塞 Wuthering roads

入塞 Wuthering roads

07'14'' · 2019年 · 4k彩色单屏录像 · 2019年7月,因为拍摄《出关》需要赶到扎西家的夏季牧场,途中忽然下起暴雨,漫天的大雨迷糊了草原,车在颠扑的古道上跳跃行进。透过大雨和迷雾,迎面有高大的骏马飘摇奔腾,羊群一团团的在水里草里蠕动,骆驼一般神骏的藏牛在旷野里低头走过。。。。。。 大水淹没了道路,和草原、水洼连接成一片无天无地的旷野,闪电在眼前爆裂,闷雷在车顶炸响,藏獒的怒吼由远及近,几个牧人拄着拐杖,裹着牦牛毡,站在没膝的泥水里凝视我们,我不知道他们看到什么,我却分明看见持续几千年来,高原上游牧部落的原始生活,看见大洪水时代的巨大的荒凉和飘渺。 终于驶出沼泽,远远看见一个骑马的身影,我们慢慢的跟在马后,静静看着这个走出洪荒的背影,这么孤独、这么着急着赶路的人,得是多么年轻啊。因为她隐约露出的红帽子,我笑着和魏珊说:昭君出塞大概就是这样的吧,。。。。。当车子超越她和她的马,我回头看见了一张风霜遍布的坚毅老脸,我恍然大悟,这应该就是塞外苦渡50年,如今归心似箭的王昭君啊。。。。。 (附):《怨 词》王昭君 秋木萋萋,其叶萎黄,有鸟处山,集于苞桑 养育毛羽,形容生光,既得行云,上游曲房, 离宫绝旷,身体摧藏,志念没沉,不得颉颃。 虽得委禽,心有徊惶,我独伊何,来往变常。 翩翩之燕,远集西羌,高山峨峨,河水泱泱。 父兮母兮,进阻且长,呜呼哀哉!忧心恻伤。
𨑨迌 Less than human

𨑨迌 Less than human

03'32'' · 2017年 · 2k彩色单频录像 · 2017年11月,我坐出租车赶往厦门岛内办事,途经集美大桥,一辆并行了10秒钟的电动车让我感到异样。遂即跟司机说:师傅我加加50块的车费,麻烦尽量和他们保持平行。司机很配合,我拿出手机拍了大概两分钟以后,由于后面的车一直鸣笛抗议,我们只好加速离开。 此后,我经常想起电动车上的两个人,可能,他们就是我眼里现在的中国。 一年后,我再次来到厦门,雇了两个演员,试图重演这个现场,甚至在电动车上还加了一块巨大的猪肉。我拍了6遍,还是没有手机拍下来的现场感,于是我保留了最初的拍摄的效果,剪辑成了《𨑨迌》。 《𨑨迌》是闽南语,就是玩耍的意思,是没日没夜漫无目的地玩耍。 但是这只是件成形的作品,所以放了整整三年也没展出,直到19年8月,我在扎西的夏季牧场,又一次偶遇大雨后一位独行的老妇人,行车记录仪拍下了马上孤独的女人,和她牵着随行的一匹马。一个在海上,一个在高原的孤独行者。《𨑨迌》和《入塞》才相互映衬,天然完整. 03'32'' · 2017 · 2K color video · In November 2017, I took a taxi to Xiamen island for business, passing through Jimei bridge, and a 10 second electric car in parallel made me feel different. So I said to the driver: Master, I'll add 50 yuan to the fare. Please try to keep parallel with them. The driver was very cooperative. After I took out my cell phone and took a picture for about two minutes, we had to speed up to leave because the car in the back kept whistling to protest. Since then, I often think of the two people on the electric car, maybe they are China in my eyes now. A year later, I came to Xiamen again, hired two actors, tried to repeat the scene, and even added a huge piece of pork to the electric car. I took six shots, but I still didn't have the feeling of the scene captured by my mobile phone, so I kept the original shooting effect and edited it into “ZhiTu". "ZhiTu" is a Taiwanese language, which means play. It means to play aimlessly day and night. But it's only a shaped work, so it hasn't been on display for three years. Until August 19, when I was in Zha Xi's summer ranch, I ran into another old woman walking alone after the heavy rain. The dash cam took a picture of the lonely woman on the horse and her accompanying horse. One is on the sea, one is on the plateau. It is only when "ZhiTu" and "Wuthering road" set off each other ,naturally complete.
刺船 Odyssay smoking

刺船 Odyssay smoking

4'50'' · 2015年 · 1080p黑白单频录像 · 乡愁对于“无家可归”的现代人而言意味着什么?刺船的意象逐渐清晰起来:一列火车在波澜起伏的大海中辗转犹豫,刺浪而行。一无所有却依依难舍,在一段莫名的挣扎之后,带着永不停息的决绝驶向烟波浩渺的汪洋..... 刺船二字源于伯牙学琴的典故:伯牙学琴於成连先生,三年而不成。成连云:“我师方子春在东海中,能移人情。”乃与俱至海上,成连刺船而去,句时不返。伯牙延望无人,但闻海水汹涌,林岫杳冥,萃鸟啁啾。悄然而悲曰,“先生移我情哉”!援琴而作水仙之曲,遂为天下妙。 汤南南通过录像讲述了中国传统文化经典,关于等待、知音、大海、行船,他直接构建了一个水上行走的列车,一个蜿蜒如海蛇的机械物。作品意境上的表达已经早已超越平面作品,让远去的传统,如同命运一样不可知。汤南南所把握的是某种亚洲文人情结的想象空间——气韵恢弘。海天一线之际,也是他很好的融合文本叙事、文人精神、机械时代的综合情绪,在同一的黑白明暗中,更不知今夕是何年。 4'50'' · 2015 · Black and white video · What does homesickness mean to our the homeless modern people? Odyssey Smoking is a clear set of images gradually revealed: a train is removing in the undulating sea with hesitation, shoring the wave. After a long clinging struggle, the train resolutely bears up for the vast ocean. The name Odyssey Smoking came from the story of Bo Ya Learning to Play the Guqin : Bo Ya wanted to learn the Guqin from tutor Cheng Lian for three years, but he didn’t make it. Cheng Lian said: "My teacher Fang Zi chun is in the East Sea, whose music could move human beings." But once on board, Cheng left the ship with no excuse, and never came back. Bo Ya waited, but there was no one back, only the tempest-tossed sea, blew trees by wind and chirping birds. Bo Ya felt quiet sad, then he created a beautiful song which was known by everyone. Through his video, TangNannan told us about the traditional Chinese culture: about waiting,close friends, ocean, boat trip… He built a train, which can move on water-a machine akin to a sea serpent. The main idea of this project transcends a single dimension: it shows how traditions rooted in the past are sometimes unpredictable and mysterious, like fate or destiny. TangNannan firmly holds to the virtue of Asian people, to the feeling of sympathy and to love; fantastical space of this work is the artist’s boundless spirituality. The line between the sky and the sea is also an object of his harmonious narrative. Virtuous spirit and machine age merge together, becoming the main theme of this project. Black and white, light and shadow are indistinguishable ,it is impossible to understand in which year and age the action is taking place.
填海 Flying

填海 Flying

04'59'' · 2014年 · 1080p黑白单频录像 · 2012年12月31日,我的生日。海水7度,风太大,浪很高,鸟很远。呼吸越来越沉,混杂在涛声里。 终于,鸟很近了,它不停拍动翅膀,迎面一堵巨浪没过我们。 只见它像鱼一样漂浮着,甚至把头浸到水里,清理了一下自己的思路和羽毛。在下一个浪头扑倒之前,它奋力一击,终于离开了海面! 霎时间,一块系在它脚上的重物被扯出水面,又将鸟坠入水中。我转身游去,赫然便是一根白骨。鸟儿的翅膀在浪涛间忽隐忽现。大浪终于无可避免地袭来,鸟,骨,我,喘息,一起卷进海底…… 04'59'' · 2014 · 1080p black and white video · It was Dec.31st, 2012, my birthday. The temperature of the water was 7 degree, accompanied with high wind, huge waves, and a vague bird in distance. The breath became deeper and deeper, gradually fading into the water sound. Finally the bird was close, with her wings flapping. A huge wave drowned us. She floated on the water like a fish, even dipped her head into the water, cleaning her feathers, and thought. She made a great effort to get rid of the water, ahead of the next wave overwhelming her. All of a sudden, a heavy object tied on her feet showed up, which dragged her down to the water. I turned back and swam to check, only to find a white bone. The feathers of her wings appeared indistinctly in waves. Inevitably, the huge wave came along, sweeping the white bone, me and the gasp together into the sea…
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