Growing Soil-Hard Brick
《息壤 - 顽砖》的原材料来自海滩上的建筑垃圾。由水泥粘合在一 起的红砖残块 , 在海水中冲刷了 30 年后 , 成为鹅卵石的浑圆形状。 作者在沿 海地区采集了数吨这样的“卵石”, 它们散布在展厅中 的各处 , 也堆放在展厅外的墙根 , 和处女花园中国馆红砖的外墙 浑然一体 , 看上去像是砖 墙的墙根在海水中变成了卵石。这些“卵 形砖”是天工和人力的合作 , 它们介于非作品、准作品和作品之间 , 把整个中国馆所有的作品变成了一 个总体艺术场域。“息壤”是 中国神话中失败的治水英雄“鲧”用于治水的神物 , 是一种会生 长的土壤。鲧的失败奠定了他儿子大禹治水的成功。 息壤的生长 和父子相承的功过 , 成就了不息之象。对于面临下沉危险的威尼斯 , 息壤是最好的礼物。
Installation, Multiple Size, 2015
The material of Growing Soil – Hard Brick is construction waste from beaches. Fragments of cemented red bricks have gained cobble- like, smooth, and rounded appearances after 30 years of seawater polishing. Tons of such cobbles collected from coastal areas are scattered everywhere in the exhibition hall as well as piled up by the wall outside the hall, unified with the exterior red brick wall of the Chinese Pavilion in the Giardino delle Verigini as if the lower part of the brick wall were polished into cobbles by seawater. Crafted by nature and human together, these “cobble-like bricks” are something between non-art, art-to-be, and art, and turn the whole collection of works in the Chinese Pavilion to a site of Total Art. “Growing Soil” is a magic potion used by the unsuccessful hero in Chinese mythology, “Gun”, to control the floods. Gun’s failure serves the success of his son, Yu the Great. The growth of Growing Soil and the rights and wrongs of the two men epitomize the unremitting spirit. Growing Soil is the best gift for Venice, a city threatened by sinking.