Unknown Beach
《无名海滩》上常是背对镜头远望大海的人。中国有“望洋兴叹” 的成语 , 远处的海平线和星空一起 , 向人类提醒着目力和生活的限度。对于眺 望她的人来说 , 海洋对于这个人身后的红尘从来都 是一种清洗 , 海平线是不变的承诺 , 赐予我们重新获得孤独感的 机会。不管望海者如何满腹心事 , 海的叹息都将抚平他所有的皱褶。 对望海 者而言 , 海平线是故乡 , 是信仰。(邱志杰)
Photography, Adjustable Size, 2011-2017
In the work Unknown Beach Series, there are always men looking out at the ocean, seen from behind. As suggested in a Chinese idiom “Lament one's littleness before the vast ocean”, the sea horizon and the starry sky in the distance remind human beings of the limits of their sight and their life. For people who look out into it, the ocean always clears up their nostalgia for earthly life; the sea horizon is an unaltered promise to us that we will have the chance to regain a sense of loneliness. However preoccupied an ocean-observer might be, the murmurs of the ocean will smooth all wrinkles on his heart. To the ocean-observer, the sea horizon is a home and a belief. (QiuZhijie)