Morrow Return
一个雕塑人像面墙而立 , 盯着中国馆展厅中仅存的这个油桶。他 的眼中藏着的投影仪将海景投在油桶的壁面上。事实上他不管看 向何物 , 他所见 都将是他自己心中的海洋。望海者目力所穷之处 , 所见都是自己的内心。内外之境在这件作品中相遇。王阳明说 : 你未看此花时 , 此花与汝同归于寂 ; 你既来看此花 , 则此花颜色 一时明白起来 , 便知此花不在你心外。
Sculpture and video installation, Multiple Size, 2015
A statue stands, with his face to the wall, gazing at the only existent oil barrel in the Chinese Pavilion. A projector inside his eyes projects the seascape onto the exterior of the barrel. As a matter of fact, whatever he is looking at, all he sees is the ocean in his heart. Far as the sight of an ocean-observer can reach, all he sees is his inner world. The inner world and the outer world confront each other in this work. As Wang Yangming put it: “Keeping your eyes away, the flower falls to quietude along with you; Once you have your eyes on it, the flower gets brightened up so that you realize that it is inside your heart.”