Tang Nannan
1969 出生于福建云霄戏剧世家
2004 获厦门大学美术学院硕士学位
2016 获中国美术学院博士学位
2017 任中国美术学院跨媒体艺术学院副教授、硕士生导师
2017年57届威尼斯双年展中国馆艺术家,曾于北京民生现代美术馆、中国美院美术馆、寒山美术馆、纽约LivingWithArt画廊举办个展。参加俄罗斯第三届乌拉尔工业双年展、第九届上海双年展、第一届南京三年展。作品在中国美术馆、上海当代艺术博物馆、南京博物院、上海民生现代美术馆、中央美院美术馆、北京时代美术馆、广东美术馆、墨尔本维多利亚州国立美术馆 、瑞士因特拉肯美术馆 、德国卡塞尔贝尔维尤宫 、悉尼白兔美术馆等国内外机构展出。
1969 Born in Yunxiao, Fujian Province
2004 Get the master's degree of Fine arts in Xiamen University
2016 Get the Ph.D. of practice of modern art in China Academy of Art
2017 Be an associate professor and master tutor of Inter-Media Art in China Academy of Art
In Nannan’s works, nostalgia in modern cities presents as the main theme and questions of time and memory, myths and poetry, nostalgia and life and death are discussed. With his cultural sociology research, the artist tries to integrate multiple forms of art like painting, video installation, photograph, multiscreen video theatre and makes effort to exploring art forms based on his own life experience and concerning modern living circumstances.
草原上开满鲜花 / Lost Summer
纪录片 Documentary
海中有海 / The Sea In The Sea
纪录片 Documentary
2021 《四海志》汤南南个展,厦门·红顶当代艺术中心
2021 《最初的hum》汤南南手稿展,杭州·回响空间
2020 《黄河青山》汤南南个展,苏州·寒山美术馆
2019 《临醉之舟》汤南南个展,长沙·前行美术馆
2018 《我的离开将会很久》汤南南个展,长沙·文和友美术馆
2016 《铸浪为山》汤南南个展,北京·民生现代美术馆
2015 《本份》博士毕业个展,杭州·中国美术学院美术馆
2010 《人园》汤南南个展,纽约·LIVING WITH ART画廊
2021 《工艺之道:首届苏州工艺双年展》苏州·中国刺绣艺术馆
2020 《生生不息——叙事的黄河》宁夏·银川当代美术馆
2019 《今日中国的艺术》瑞士·因特拉肯美术馆
2018 《视觉的诗》中德影像展,德国·卡塞尔贝尔维尤宫
《不息》第 57 届威尼斯国际艺术双年展中国馆巡展,上海·
《不息》第 57 届威尼斯国际艺术双年展中国馆巡展,北京·
2017 《不息》第57届威尼斯国际艺术双年展,威尼斯
《第三届实验艺术文献展》 北京·中央美术学院美术馆
2016 《变相—第三节水墨空间》广东· 广东美术馆
2015 《没有真身—第三届乌拉尔工业双年展》俄罗斯·叶卡捷琳堡
《非形象—叙事的运动》 上海·二十一世纪民生美术馆
2013 《第九届上海双年展中山公园计划》上海·当代艺术博物馆
《不一不异》 中国青年艺术家实验展,杭州·中国美术学院美
2012 《重新发电》第九届上海双年展,上海·当代艺术博物馆
2008 《轻摄影师眼中的中国》北京·三影堂摄影艺术中心
2007 《345°—上海新锐艺术大展》上海·多伦美术馆
2006 《中国当代艺术节》阿姆斯特丹,荷兰
2005 《中国当代艺术三年展》南京博物院,南京
2004 《中国当代影像展》 ALTKIRCH现代美术馆,巴黎
2003 《2003一分钟国际影像大展》最佳影像,阿姆斯特丹
Exhibition Resume
2021 The Myth of Seas, Topred Center for Contemporary Art, Xiamen
2021 Zui Chu De Hum, Echo Arete, Hangzhou
2020 Yellow River and Blue Mountains, Han Shan Art Museum, Suzhou
2019 A Boat Almost Waking, Advance Art Museum, Changsha
2018 Yet I Cannot Tarry Longer, Why Museum, Changsha
2016 Billennium Waves , Beijing Minsheng Art Museum,Beijing
2015 Duty of Essence, Museum of China Academy of Art, Hangzhou
2010 Nannan’s Whispering, 798 Times Space, Beijing
2021 The Way of Craft: The First Suzhou Craft Biennial, Chinese
Embroidery Art Museum
Art Macao: Macao International Art Biennale 2021, Macao,
Macao Museum of Art
2020 The Endless Life, Ningxia, Museum of Contemporary Art
Endless Mountains: Art Exhibition of the Way toward Poetry,
Hangzhou, Zhejiang Exhibition Hall
2019 Chinese Art Today, The Interlaken Museum, Switzerland
A Fairy Tale in Red Times, National Gallery of Victoria,
2018 And what about your “Good Morning, New World”? Schloss
Bellevue, Germany
Art Festival Watou, Antwerp, Belgium
'Continuum' the 57th international art exhibition pavilion of
China, tour exhibition, Ming Contemporary Art Museum,
'Continuum' the 57th international art exhibition pavilion of
China, tour exhibition, Times Art Museum, Beijing
The Exhibition od Annual of Contemporary Art of China 2017,
Minsheng Art Museum, Beijing
Our Actions Are Our Future, Enjoy Art Museum, Beijing
2017 Venice Biennale China Pavilion retrospective, Tsinghua
University, Beijing
The Exhibition of Annual of Contemporary Art of China 2016,
Beijing Minsheng Art Museum, Beijing
Continuum-Generation by Generation, The 57th
International Art Exhibition-La Biennale Di Venezia Pavilion
of China, Venice
The Dark Matters, White Rabbit Museum, Sydney
The third exhibition of experimental art, CAFA Art Museum,
2016 Return Poetic Dwelling in Contemporary Art, PIFO Gallery,
2015 No Real Body, The 3th Ural Industrial Biennale, Yekaterinburg
Nonfigurative,21st Century Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai
Jimei ×arles,Arles International Photo Festival,Xiamen
Shanghai Ever, Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai
Power of Eduction, Himalayas Museum, Shanghai
2013 Endless Floating, 2013 Taiwan East Coast International Art
Exhibition, Taitong, Taiwan
BuYiBuYi, The Experimental Exhibition of China Young
Artists, Museum of China Academy of Art, Hangzhou
The 4th M.T. Youth Film Festival and the 10th CIFF China
Independent Film Festival, Xiamen
2012 Reactivation, the 9th Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai MOMA,
The Interactions, 2012 Yixian International Photo Festival,
Yixian, Anhui
Repeating View, Henglu Art Museum, Hangzhou
2008 The 2nd China Contemporary Art Record Exhibition, Beijing
Nomination of 2003, Three Shadows Photography Art Centre,
2007 345°Shanghai Fresh Art Exhibition, Duolun Museum, Shanghai
Post Avant-garde Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition,
Hong Kong
2006 Sino-Netherlands Art Exchange Exhibition, Amsterdam,
2005 2nd China Art Triennium Exhibition, Nanjing Museum, Nanjing
2004 Chinese Contemporary Video Exhibition, d’Art Contemporain,
Altkirch, Paris
2003 2003 One Minute International Video Exhibition, The Best Film
Nomination of 2003, Amsterdam, Netherlands